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Empowering Transparency And Sustainability

CDP: Unveiling Environmental Impact and Driving Sustainable Practices

Empowering Transparency and Sustainability

The CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, is a prominent international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing environmental stewardship. Its mission focuses on providing a global platform for companies, cities, states, and regions to disclose their environmental performance and drive meaningful action.

Global Reach and Impact

Operating in over 60 countries, the CDP has established a vast network of partnerships with leading organizations, investors, and governments. This collaborative approach empowers the organization to collect and analyze data from a wide range of entities, enabling comprehensive insights into global environmental impacts.

Environmental Disclosure System

At the heart of the CDP's work is its standardized environmental disclosure system. This comprehensive framework guides organizations in reporting their climate change, water security, and forest management practices. By providing a common ground for reporting, the CDP facilitates transparent and comparable environmental data, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions.
